

April 11, 2015

I was recently contacted by StandFor, an upcoming footwear brand whose foundation is based on advocating a certain statement with every collection through their bold and colourful shoes. 
Their first collection is titled 'Smoke Less' which encourages us to, well, smoke less. I'm proud to say that I've never smoked in my life and never plan to. As a young adult, I know people who smoke to 'fit it' and be popular and I just think that is just ridiculous; to risk your lives and others around you whilst polluting the air.

With every purchase of these shoes, StandFor hopes to implement this statement and make people more aware of the effects of smoking.
In partnership with StandFor, I have been given the opportunity to share this information with you and with this link -, you will be able to shop their shoes before it opens to the public on the 19th of April.

If this is something you're interested, definitely check them out!


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